Fanciness, times two

G and I pretended to be fancy this weekend…

Remember the “reset button” that I spoke about in the last post? G took a swing at it on on Friday by surprising me with a date night for two at an upscale restaurant. Dressed in our best, we dined amongst jewelry clad women and martini sipping men. Before we had kids, this would not have been out of the ordinary, but these days our dining rarely extends beyond the Chick-fil-A drive thru. Needless to say, we were a little out of practice, but boy was it fun to see how the “other half” lives.

As soon as we entered Canoe, we were greeted by name and escorted to a beautiful table overlooking the Chattahoochee River. We dined on selections that I could barely pronounce, like Warm Bleu Crémeux Salad. Because the menu had no combo numbers attached to it, I decided to order out of my comfort zone and try something new…rabbit. Slow Roasted Carolina Rabbit with Swiss Chard to be exact. G settled on The Canoe Duck N’ Beef Burger with Fried Egg and Pickled Cabbage for his entree. Our choices were different, but good.

Seated next to Mr. and Mrs. Big (yes, that was really their last name), we felt the pressure to maintain our manners. Our efforts echoed a Saturday Night Live skit. Throughout the meal, G politely reminded me how to “rest” my fork and knife on my plate and how to position it to signal that I was done with my entree. When I wasn’t fiddling with the silverware, I was giggling at the “bread crumb lady”, who made repeated visits to our table to ensure a crumb-free dining experience.

We topped off the night with a Canoe favorite–Butter-Pop Ice Cream with House Made Cracker Jack. It was as good as it sounds. With full bellies and a free babysitter at the house (thanks Aunt B), we tried to convince ourselves to go to a movie or continue our night on the town. Unfortunately, all of the fanciness was a little overwhelming for this tired mama. Much to G’s dismay, I nixed any further plans in favor for heading home and hitting the sack.

Friday night was good practice for round two of fanciness on Saturday. On Saturday, Gran C and Big Daddy came over to watch the kids, so G and I could attend a work function at the Fox. After mingling with a few hundred of G’s associates, we were treated to a performance from the Blue Man Group. By the time the show started, all of the fanciness had caught up with me. I was tired. So tired, that I could barely keep my eyes open during the 2 hour performance.

Regardless of my lack of energy, it was wonderful to spend two evenings out with my husband. We laughed and reminisced about the good ole days and talked without interruption. And while our quest to hit the “reset button” was a huge success, we both agreed that our next date night would consists of something more low key, like margaritas and chips and dip. Plastic flatware and solo cups would be an added bonus. A big thanks to my sweet husband for arranging childcare on Friday night and to my parents for offering to keep the kids on Saturday! Thanks to all of the fun, this mama is ready to tackle the next two weekends on the road. This weekend marks my cousins Lyndsey’s wedding and the following weekend, we’re headed to Waycross to spend time with G’s family.

We just may need to hit the “reset button” again when we return!

Posted in family, memories | 2 Comments

A resolution that doesn’t require hitting the gym or eating more vegetables

The weekend used to symbolize a time to stay up late. And a time to sleep in. A time to catch up on errands; wear the latest trends, and paint the town.

Not anymore.

These days, our weekends consists of going to be early, waking up with the birds, and watching endless episodes of Caillou and Dora.

An entourage of Little People has replaced social gatherings with real life friends.

And my closet full of heels and trendy clothes has been pushed aside in favor of a heinous, but comfortable pair of moccasins and an unflattering pair of pajama pants.

Yes, yes; time have changed. And definitely for the better. I love everything about being a mom. And extra love spending my days with these two…

But sometimes, in order to be a better mama, you just need to press the RESET button. The button that allows you to have some grown up time. The button that affords you a date night with your husband or a night out with friends. Never one to live up to the promise of starting a healthier lifestyle in the new year, I have decided to make the “reset button” my personal (and hopefully attainable) goal for 2011.

This week, if all goes well (and both kids stay healthy), G and I are going to put my resolution to the test. On Thursday, Aunt B is coming over so G and I can have a much needed date night. Just the two of us. G wont tell me where we’re going, but even if it’s McDonald’s, you better believe that I will be dining in a nice pair of heels! If that wasn’t exciting enough, we also have plans for Saturday; can you tell we’re an “all our nothing” couple? On Saturday, we’re headed to the Fox for dinner and entertainment from the Blue Man Group. Gran C and Big Daddy have graciously offered to entertain the kids (and the Little People) so that we can enjoy our evening out.

Here’s to a year of celebrating my time both as mother and as a wife! A year for more laughter. And more time spent with friends!

On Saturday, we had dinner and drinks with our friends Jamie and Ryan and their two precious girls, Ali and Rhodes. The three girls had a ball together. The grownups did too. While we laughed, the girls decided to make “alphabet soup” in the playroom bathroom. Thankfully, they were caught in they act just as the sink was overflowing with plastic food, toys, and toilet paper. Later, the three put on a concert and costume parade to redeem themselves.

Posted in Hutson, mary reese, memories | 2 Comments

Ive got some catching up to do

Whew. Between the stomach bug and this crazy winter weather, our family has been hibernating. In fact, yesterday was the first day that the kids and I have ventured outside of the house since last Sunday! Thankfully, we had a fun-filled busy weekend prior to the sickness, snow, and ice.

Last Friday, we treated ourselves to a babysitter for the kids, valet parking, and some much needed grownup time with our friends Kristi and Jeff. Over dinner and drinks, we laughed and reminisced amongst trendy, twenty somethings. Four hours later we returned home to clean house, a very tired babysitter, and two sleeping kids. It was a mamas dream…

until Saturday morning, when I discovered that MR had had a #2 accident in her bed. MR hasn’t had an accident is quite some time, but had eaten a box of fruit snacks and a truckload of raisins the night before, so I chalked it up to a lose stomach and didn’t think much more about it. Later that evening, we headed to Cumming to exchange Christmas gifts with G’s aunts family. We hadn’t been at Aunt Lynn’s long before MR had another accident. Thrilled to be out of the house with a home cooked meal and grown up company, I again wrote off her tummy ache. By Sunday morning it was clear that MR’s tummy trouble was no coincidence and by Sunday night, all four of us were stricken by the unrelenting bug. As if that wasn’t enough, by Monday, we found out that 7 out of the 10 people we had been around were sick. Yes, this was one vicious bug!

Amidst the stomach bug, Atlanta got hit was a huge Winter storm on Sunday night. Ice moved in on Monday, which made for one heck of a mess. As of today (Friday) we still have lots of snow and ice on the ground (a true rarity for the south). School has been canceled all week so Ive had lots of cuddle time with sweet MR and Huttie.

We got about 5-6 inches of snow and a quarter inch of ice on top of the white stuff!

Speaking of Huttie, yesterday marked his 6 month birthday! To celebrate, we went to the pediatrician for a recheck on his ears and to get a few shots. At six months, our sweet boy is almost exactly where his sister was at this age. Considering he has been sick with the stomach bug three times in the last three weeks, I’m tickled that he’s growing! At six months, Huttie weighs 18 pounds and 2 ounces (60%) and is 26 3/4 inches long (60%). MR weighed 17 pounds and 13 ounces and was the exact height as her little brother.

Hutson 6 months

Mary Reese 6 months

Huston is now rolling over (both ways) and is very active. Despite being sick much of the time, this sweet boys always keeps a smile on this face. He babbles constantly, which reminds me that we have got to get this sweet boy baptized before he gets too unruly!

Posted in Hutson, family, mary reese, memories | 1 Comment

Life lessons from a three year old

I used to pride myself on my kids being healthy. MR was rarely sick as an infant and for the first three months of his life, neither was Huttie. Then came November and my once (silly) pride flew out the window. From that point on, I became “that parent“, the one that always had the sick kids. And my kids became “those kids“, the ones that constantly had a nasty cough and a runny nose.

Well folks, I’ve been humbled. After canceling several holiday gatherings, a fancy, child-free date night out with my husband, and a chance to see Zac Brown on New Years Eve, I’ve had enough sickness. As I complained to myself about the circumstances, MR took me by the hand and said, “don’t be sad mommy, we have a playroom full of toys that we can play with”. Her sweet sincerity did in fact make me smile. It was a powerful reminder that life should be fun. And that if ear infections, colds, stomach viruses, and missed outings with friends are amongst the worst things that we are dealing with, we are extremely blessed!

May 2011 be the year that I am able to recognize and praise God for all of His many gifts. May it also be a time where I slow down to enjoy the blessings that each day brings. Every laugh. Every hug. And even, every cough.

**Our New Years Eve was spent enjoying the weather. We visited my favorite antique shop, bought an awesome wooden wagon for the kids, ate local BBQ, played outside, and grilled steaks. Hutson was more himself today (he has been sick since the day after Christmas). Per doctors orders, he’s on soy formula until his stomach returns to normal and antibiotics for his ear infection. Despite not feeling well, he continues to be such a sweet, good natured baby. He smiles at everyone who notices at him. He’s especially fond of Sadie these days. He giggles almost every time she comes near.**

I can hardly wait to put this little red wagon to use!

Nothing like starting the new year with a little friendly competition! A big thanks to Uncle Skeeter and Anne for making this cornhole set for us!

Celebrating the new year!

Posted in Hutson, Uncategorized, holiday, mary reese, memories | 1 Comment

If you dont like the weather, wait 5 minutes and it’ll change

It’s hard to believe that just a few days before our Christmas Day snow…

my kids were wearing short sleeves and enjoying temperatures in the lower sixties. In the Harvey household, warmer weather almost always means a torturous photo op of the kids. And for good reason, these youngins’ are changing so much! Somewhere over the last few months, Mary Reese has transformed from a toddler into a little girl. Ask anyone (from her grandparents to her teachers at school) and they will tell you, her mouth runs nonstop. She talks from the moment she wakes up to the moment she falls asleep.  Little Brother is changing too. According to his Gran C, he’ll be crawling soon. He continues to be an easy, happy going kid.  He smiles just as much as his big sister talks.

We’re hoping that the title of this blog rings true for our weather. It has been freezing since Christmas day and we are ready to say goodbye to the white stuff on the ground. As of yesterday, most of our Christmas decorations are down and put away in the attic. The goal for the week is to get both kids healthy for the new year. Poor Huttie is on day 2 of the stomach bug and MR is still trying to get over a 2 month long cold.

Tis the season for germs, laughter, and plenty of photo ops of these sweet, growing kids!

Posted in Hutson, holiday, mary reese | 1 Comment

Best Christmas Ever!

The title says it all…without a doubt, this was the best Christmas ever!

Christmas Eve started with a visit from Aunt and Unca B and Danny. Presents followed, along with mounting anticipation of the big man’s arrival.

cmas eve danny

cmas noculars

Later in the afternoon, Gran C and Big Daddy arrived with more Christmas cheer (and even more presents). Much of our day was spent outdoors, enjoying 50 degree temperatures.

cmas eve pony

cmas eve huttie cakes

We ended the night by roasting homemade marshmellows on G’s new firepit. The gift was supposed to be a surprise for Christmas morning, but MR spilled the beans to her daddy shortly after we purchased it.

cmas marshmellow 2

cmas marshmllow

cmas eve sweet kids

After the kids went to bed,

cmas eve mr sleeping

cmas eve night

Santa and his elves went to work.

cmas sugar elf

cmas eve tree presents

Christmas morning came with lots of presents, breakfast casserole, ham biscuits, and a record breaking snowfall in Atlanta. The last measurable snowfall in the area on Christmas day occurred over 125 years ago, in 1882.

cmas day butterscotch

cmas princess

cmas morning cmas gifts

Cmas presents Huttie

cmas morning ham biscuits

Our snowday meant that we got to spend an extra day with Gran C and Big Daddy,

cmas morning huttie dad

cmas morning sweet boy

and lots and lots of fun outdoors!

cmas snow kids

cmas morning snowball fight

cmas snow excitement

cmas morning house

Merry white Christmas to all!

Posted in Hutson, family, holiday, mary reese, memories | Leave a comment

Christmas is almost here

I’m a little sideways that Christmas is almost here.


Not because I’m not prepared, but because I’m simply not ready for Christmas to be over.

As of today, all of the Christmas presents are wrapped and under the tree.

christmas presents

The stockings are stuffed full of surprises.

The holiday menu is complete.

christmas menu2

The table is set.

christmas place setting

And the fridge and pantry are stocked full of groceries.

We have certainly enjoyed every second of this holiday season.

We’ve done the pink pig.

pink pig macys

pink pig g mr

pink pig ride

This was Hutson’s first year on the Pink Pig and MR’s third.

pink pig store 2

Visited with the Big man twice; once at Phipps and most recently at Aunt Fanny’s Cabin in Smyrna.

christmas santa

christmas santa2

And spent some holiday cheer with Uncle Brother and Cook.

t and l visit

Yep, we’re down to the nitty gritty, folks.

There are only two more days to enjoy dancing to Christmas music.

Two more days to search for “Shuger” (pronounced Sugar), our mischievous Elf on the Shelf.


shuger apple juice

Two more days to dress the kids in their holiday best.

And one more day to run to the mailbox to retrieve Christmas cards.

christmas cards

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The Makings of a Little Martha

little martha mix

Since the holidays, MR has put aside her Barbie dolls, (“Barbara’s”), Little People, and books in exchange for all things “Martha”. Little Martha loves to be in the kitchen. She enjoys crafts, cooking, and cleaning. At the mere mention of one of these activities, Little Martha can be heard running to her playroom to fetch her chair. Standing in her chair, she has baked dozens of cookies and muffins; decorated a gingerbread house, washed dishes, and colored countless holiday cards and ornaments. Her assistant, Sadie dog, is usually close by, awaiting any crumb that may fall.

I’m eagerly anticipating the day that Little Martha can be a one woman act. The thought of fresh baked goodies, clean dishes, and a house full of crafts makes this mama very, very happy!

Little Martha’s assistants

little martha sadie

little martha assistant

Making banana bread muffins with Little Martha

little martha muffins

Little Martha’s gingerbread house; she spent hours meticulously placing each piece of candy on the house.

little martha gingerbread house

MR and I spent some time this weekend making homemade Christmas goodies for our neighbors. We filled each bag with Andes Chocolate Mint cookies, Chocolate Chunk Cookies, and Chocolate Fudge.

little martha dough

little martha cookie bags

Now if we could just get Little Martha to work on being more patient.

little m waiting

Posted in holiday, mary reese, memories, milestones | 1 Comment