15 things about Hutson at 5 months old

At five months old, Hutson…

1)  Has over a dozen nicknames–Huttie, Hutsie, Huttie Cat, Little Man, Lawrence, Bro Bro….
2)  Is an official member of the “Silver Spoon Club”. He’s been eating solids since he was 4 months old. Like his big sister, his first meal was with the silver spoon and porcelain bowl that I ate out of as a child.

hh silver spoon

3)  Has more hair than his daddy. And his Big Daddy. And more hair than his sister or cousins had at this age.

huttie 5m

4)  Is the first brown haired, brown eyed baby in the midst of three cousins and a sister who all have blond hair and blue eyes (see next bullet).

5)  Sports two different colored eyes, one brown and one blue.

huttie 5 m

6)   Is well over 17 pounds now. At his 4 month visit he was 16 lbs; 9 oz (85% for weight) and 25 1/4 inches long (65% for height). This boy is big, just like his cousin Boss (he’s already filling out size 12m clothing).

7)  Is a great sleeper. Huttie sleeps from about 7:30 pm each night to 8:30 or 9 in the morning and takes 4 to 5 naps a day in his crib.

8)  Rarely cries, unless he is tired and then he becomes a ticking time bomb.

9)  Smiles constantly at anyone and anything. He has the “it” factor. We’re not sure what” it” is, but we know that most males in the Harrell/Harvey family posses it.

hutson 5m tree

10)  Is extremely ticklish, especially under his chin and has a great, contagious belly laugh.

11)  Is strong. God help you if he gets a hold of your earring or hair.

12)  Sucks his thumb and loves to snuggle with a blankie up to his face.

13)  Adores his big sister.

huttie 5m sister

14)  Has us all baby-talking.

15)  Has thankfully disproven the theory that you can’t have two good sleepers and two no-fuss kids.

Yep, it’s no secret that Huttie has us all wrapped around his little finger. He is without a doubt, the goldenboy and we cannot wait to see what the next 5 months have in store for our big boy!

hutson 5m

hutson 5m bro sis

Round two of medication seems to have cured MR of the three week ear infection. While MR and Huttie are on the mend, G has taken to the bed with flu-like symptoms. If you know G, you know that he RARELY sleeps and NEVER naps. Praying that good ole Saint Nick will bring bottles of Lysol Disinfectant and passes for a sick-free Christmas morning!

hutson 5m mr

huttie 5m mr

huttie 5m ornament

Posted in Hutson, holiday, mary reese, milestones | 1 Comment

Christmas Round II with Danny

This weekend marked Christmas, Round II. On Friday, Danny drove up from Waycross to spend the weekend with us. Her timing couldn’t have been more perfect. Just before her arrival that evening, Hutson (who has been coughing and severely congested for weeks) started having difficulty breathing. Panicked, I called G, who was out grocery shopping, and told him to come home immediately. Thankfully, Children’s Health Care of Atlanta has an urgent care with evening hours close by. Soon after our arrival, Danny pulled up and rescued MR. For the next several hours, G and I sat with Huttie in an overcrowded clinic full of worried parents and sick, sick kids. After deep suctioning his nose, listening to his chest and lungs, and treating his fever, the doctor advised us to elevate Huttie’s crib, utilize a cool mist humidifier, and continue using a saline solution. Great advice for a big fee–you certainly can’t put a price tag on your child’s health, but Christmas gifts this year may consists of the 9 visits to the doctor MR and Huttie have acquired over the last month:)

With the Huttie scare behind us, we were able to go on with our Christmas plans… On Saturday, we took MR to Chick-fil-A to meet Santa Cow and his elves. This trip marked the first time that MR was not terrified of the cow. This is BIG–Real BIG, as previous visits have ended with an embarrassed mom and a screaming and kicking kid.

cmas II chickfila elf

cmas II chickfila santa cow

Later that night, we had dinner with Danny and Aunt and Unca B at a Japanese Steakhouse. The adults overate, while MR mastered the art picking up fruit snacks with chopsticks.

cmas II danny hannah

cmas II japsteakhouse

cmas II chopsticks

We also received our first gift of the holiday season from G–a docking station for the iPod Touch. G gifted me the iPod for my birthday and after waiting nearly 2 months for its arrival (it was on backorder), I can say that it was definitely worth the wait!

cmas II first gift

cmas II

cmas II danceparty

On Sunday, we welcomed the first snow of the season and although there was no accumulation, any amount of snow in the south is exciting! After saying goodbye to Danny, we spent the remainder of the afternoon pretending to be snowed in on the couch. An occasional dance party would break out, but other than that, we laid low.

cmas II mr snow

cmas II fluries

cmas II flurriesII

cmas II snowfurries back

cmas II danceparty II

Posted in Hutson, family, mary reese | Leave a comment

Harvey Christmas

cmas harveys

Garrett’s late Aunt Linda was the epitome of a southern belle, and even though we lost her several years ago to cancer, her memory was very much alive this past weekend. Each year, all of the Harvey’s get together to celebrate Christmas. This years gathering took place in Waycross, Georgia at Aunt Linda and Uncle Skeeters house.

Just as Aunt Linda would have it, no detail was left undone. The tables were set with freshly starched linens, polished silver, crystal, and of course table gifts (a Harvey holiday tradition). There was ham, turkey, and boston butt (in true southern fashion, I’d be willing to bet that Aunt Linda would refer to this as “smoked pork” to avoid using the word “butt” in correlation to food). There were casseroles and plenty of fresh vegetables. And, much to my delight, there was a whole table dedicated to desserts, which I’m holding partly responsible for my recent decision to quit Weight Watchers (I just couldn’t bear the look of disappointment on “Weigh-in Ruth’s” face when she saw that I gained a few over the weekend).

After dinner, we exchanged gifts. The kids went first –read hysterical chaos with wrapping paper everywhere and mounds of impossible to get out of the box toys– and then the adults went, one by one. After it was all said and done, it took two cars to load up all of the Christmas gifts that we had received. Thankfully G’s mom is coming up this weekend with the second car load–a horse tire swing for MR from Meme and Papa Joe and a fiercely addictive beanbag game called Cornhole that Uncle Skeeter made for us.

We certainly have a lot to be thankful for this holiday season! And even though we are on week number three of a fever, cough, and ear infection for sweet MR and Hutson, we are counting our blessings daily! May Santa Claus fill our stockings with good health and lots and lots of laughter! Looking forward to Christmas Round II this weekend with G’s mom and Aunt and Unca B.

cmas table

G’s plate

cmas plate

Cousin Reynolds kept us entertained the entire weekend!

cmas reynolds

John Thomas

cmas jt

Uncle Jimmy has proved time and time again to be one of the best baby holders around.

cmas jimmy

Reynolds and John Thomas gave MR a pink Barbie (or “Barbara” as MR call it) fishing pole for Christmas.

cmas fishing pole

This Little Tikes jumpy is the best thing ever! We may just have to put it at the top of next years Christmas list.

cmas jumpy

Thick as thieves; these three cousins are more like brothers.

cmas boy cousin

cmas outside

Sunday Brunch at Uncle Skeeters

cmas papa joe

Our trip to Waycross also included a visit with Danny.

cmas danny

Her front porch is always a great place for pictures.

cmas porch2

cmas kids porch

cmas porch3

cmas porch kiss

cmas porch huttie

cmas wcross (205)

We also snuck in some baking time with Meme and a visit with MR and Huttie’s great grandparents, Meme Vonnie and Papa Huey.

cmas cookies

cmas meme v

Posted in family, holiday, memories | 1 Comment

Thanksgiving at home; a new tradition

Thankful for these two turkeys,

t brother sister

t mr huttie kiss

for a no-fuss, no travel Thanksgiving at our own home,

t mr meal

t mr grabby

for a helper in the kitchen,

t mr dressing

for pecan pie for breakfast, lunch, and dinner,

t pecan pie

for a sweet husband who agrees, without uttering a single complaint, to tackle a few home improvement projects over the Thanksgiving break.

t g paint

Thankful for lazy mornings in our pjs,

t pjs

a house decorated for Christmas,

t tree pick out

t tree

t lights

t sadie lights

t mr and huttie tree

150 mailed Christmas cards.

t cmas cards

Thankful for fall. For fallen leaves. Cooler temperatures. And for a camera, so I can capture it all!

t mr house3

t huttie

Posted in Home improvement, Hutson, mary reese, memories | 2 Comments

Thanksgiving at Trinity Oaks

trinity oaks farm

I’m pretty sure there’s a spot in heaven that looks like Trinity Oaks. Rolling hills, southern soil, and acres of farmland, make this a special gathering place for our family. My Uncle Dan and his family own the property and for the last few years, they have graciously invited us to the farm for a pre-Thanksgiving celebration.

This year, we welcomed Anna Bea and Hutson to the mix.

trinity big daddy kids

These three turkeys enjoy the tradition just as much as the grown ups do. I’d be willing to bet that all three would give up their homes in the suburbs for the simpler life.

trinity three turkeys

Who could blame them? Constant hayrides, a grill full of meat, and lots of time to visit and enjoy the scenery sounds like the good life to me!

trinity hayride

trinity grill

trinity gparents

trinity girls

trinity coloring

trinity coloring mr

trinity family

trinity g and c

trinity tractor

trinity football

Quite possibly the dirtiest MR has ever been!

trinity dirty

trinity say goodbye

Posted in Hutson, family, mary reese, memories, places | Leave a comment

Two birthday parties

My friend Kristi has amazing talent when it comes to throwing a kids birthday party. This year she threw a circus themed party for her two little ones, Emery and Brayden. She did this despite a four day stay at Children’s Hospital, while doctors treated her youngest child for a bone infection. Brayden was released late Friday night and by Sunday afternoon, Kristi had transformed her backyard into a fun-filled carnival.

There was cotton candy, popcorn, a face painter, sack races, and an adorable picture booth where kids could pose for pictures wearing funny disguises.

party kw3

party kw4

kw partyy

There were plenty of sweets to indulge in!

kw party

kw party 9

kw party popcorn

kw party 6

Sweet Emery turned 5

kw party emery

and Brayden turned three!

kw party 7

kw party 5

Emery and Brayden’s party was a hard act to follow. I knew I had to step up my game to make G’s thirty first birthday just as special. Following the theme, I drug my two clowns out in the pouring rain to find G some new clothes for his big day. With the kids help, I picked out a sweater, an oxford, and a new pair of shoes. Later that evening, we took the birthday boy out for a special dinner at one of his favorite restaurants, Flip Burger Boutique. If you’ve never been, you should; it’s that good. Just make sure to top off your burger with a milkshake too.

Happy Birthday, G! We love you!!!

g bday shoes

g bday

Posted in Hutson, family, mary reese, memories | 1 Comment

A visit with the man in red

Christmas in Atlanta starts mid October, when Phipps Plaza starts booking appointments for Santa Claus. Registration is intense and fiercely competitive. In years past, appointments have sold out in the first 48 hours. This years registration took stress to a whole new level, after a glitch in the online booking system caused it to shut down for several days. During that time, mamas, like myself, panicked at the thought of visiting a less than perfect Santa Claus; a Santa donning an old, outdated suit and smelling of coffee and cigarette smoke. A Santa surrounded by creepy elves, plastic snow coated candy canes, and a cheesy backdrop.

Thankfully this was not our fate. A few days after shutting down the system, Santa’s helpers were able to get the site up and running again. After days of waiting, I booked our appointment and breathed a huge sigh of relief. I was also able to begin issuing threats prepping MR about the significance of this years visit with the big man. There would be no crying. And definitely no meltdowns. Starburst candy would serve as the reward. An extra big smile would earn her a piece of bubblegum.

At MR’s request, I allowed Lolly, her favorite doll, to accompany her on Santa’s lap. At my request, she did not cry or pitch a fit at the mere sight of the man in red. Instead, her and Huttie put on their best “get me outta here” faces…


After a few minutes on Santa’s lap, MR walked away with a Starburst, a piece of gum, and a candy cane. She also walked away with a whole new appreciation of the big man. And I walked away with a new discipline tactic…”Don’t make me pick up the phone and call Santa”.

Reading through the Christmas wish list with Santa. A pink racer and baby doll are at the top of MR’s list.

santa cmas list

MR also told Santa what her baby brother wants this year (not sure where she came up with his “wants”, but she had a whole list for him in her head, including baby marbles and a boy baby doll)

santa huttie cmas list

Sweet MR was in rare form after her visit with Santa. When she found out that Gran C was coming later that afternoon, she got even more excited!

santa mr excited

Waiting for Gran C to arrive…

santa mr2

This just may be the best Christmas yet! MR and I have spent hour upon hour looking through toy magazines and reading Christmas stories.

santa mr

Posted in Hutson, mary reese, memories | 2 Comments

Mission accomplished and a shout out to a precious 4 month old

Mission “Christmas Card” was almost a bust.

We tried…

beach kids 2

and tried…

beach kids 3

and tried…

beach kids 4

to capture a beach shot in Fernandina. But the wind nearly blew us away.

beach wind

When it wasn’t the wind, it was MR complaining about the sun in her face or Huttie, face planting in the sand. We came close a time or two,

beach kids

beach huttie 2

beach mr

but just couldn’t get quite get the shot.

With each picture, it became obvious that we needed a Plan B. Fortunately, our second leg of the journey included a few days on the Georgia coast with Gran C and Big Daddy. On the final day of our trip, we said a quick prayer and headed to a small fishing village called Contentment Point. Reminiscent of the good ol’ days, the village boasts an old storefront that sits on the bluff. Despite frigid, below normal temperatures, the kids behaved beautifully and we were able to get a picture without issuing a single threat.

Our journey down south also included a visit to the Darien Fall Festival.

beach fall fest balloon

beach fall festival

MR’s first pony ride

beach mr fall festival pony

beach fall festival hands

beach fall fest car show

beach mr sadie 2

I know this has nothing to do with my Christmas card post, but have I mentioned lately how smitten I am with this little man? He’ll be four months old tomorrow, so please excuse my attempt to squeeze two posts into one.

beach huttie

He smiles constantly, only stopping to eat, sleep, and suck his thumb. He’s big, like his cousin Boss, and is already wearing a size 12-18m. “Hutsey” as his big sister calls him, has us all wrapped around his little finger. He rarely cries and continues to be an easy going baby.

beach thumb

beach huttie sleep

CSC_0252nov 2010 beach (465)

Gran C kept him and MR yesterday so G and I could go to the Mart. It was my first time away from Hutsey, and while I missed him tremendously, I was way overdo for some grown up time.

Posted in Hutson, family, mary reese, memories, places | Leave a comment