At five months old, Hutson…
1) Has over a dozen nicknames–Huttie, Hutsie, Huttie Cat, Little Man, Lawrence, Bro Bro….
2) Is an official member of the “Silver Spoon Club”. He’s been eating solids since he was 4 months old. Like his big sister, his first meal was with the silver spoon and porcelain bowl that I ate out of as a child.
3) Has more hair than his daddy. And his Big Daddy. And more hair than his sister or cousins had at this age.
4) Is the first brown haired, brown eyed baby in the midst of three cousins and a sister who all have blond hair and blue eyes (see next bullet).
5) Sports two different colored eyes, one brown and one blue.
6) Is well over 17 pounds now. At his 4 month visit he was 16 lbs; 9 oz (85% for weight) and 25 1/4 inches long (65% for height). This boy is big, just like his cousin Boss (he’s already filling out size 12m clothing).
7) Is a great sleeper. Huttie sleeps from about 7:30 pm each night to 8:30 or 9 in the morning and takes 4 to 5 naps a day in his crib.
8) Rarely cries, unless he is tired and then he becomes a ticking time bomb.
9) Smiles constantly at anyone and anything. He has the “it” factor. We’re not sure what” it” is, but we know that most males in the Harrell/Harvey family posses it.
10) Is extremely ticklish, especially under his chin and has a great, contagious belly laugh.
11) Is strong. God help you if he gets a hold of your earring or hair.
12) Sucks his thumb and loves to snuggle with a blankie up to his face.
13) Adores his big sister.
14) Has us all baby-talking.
15) Has thankfully disproven the theory that you can’t have two good sleepers and two no-fuss kids.
Yep, it’s no secret that Huttie has us all wrapped around his little finger. He is without a doubt, the goldenboy and we cannot wait to see what the next 5 months have in store for our big boy!
Round two of medication seems to have cured MR of the three week ear infection. While MR and Huttie are on the mend, G has taken to the bed with flu-like symptoms. If you know G, you know that he RARELY sleeps and NEVER naps. Praying that good ole Saint Nick will bring bottles of Lysol Disinfectant and passes for a sick-free Christmas morning!