Sweet Mary Reese,
Three years ago today, we welcomed you into our lives. Labor was not an easy task. You were 10 days overdue and in no hurry to make your presence known. Early on the morning of September 26, your daddy and I walked into a small hospital in Charlottesville, Virginia so that our doctor could begin inducing labor. Throughout the day, labor seemed to progress in a steady manner. When we were at 10 cm, the doctor came in and gave the thumbs up. Things were going so smoothly that I did something I swore I would never do. I allowed your grandmother and aunt, who both had C-sections, to stay in the room to witness your birth.
For the next several hours, I pushed; and pushed; and pushed. Your daddy counted, JuJu Bea stood by my bedside offering assistance, and your Gran C prayed. It became apparent that things weren’t going as planned when the room went from a few doctors and nurses to over a dozen. You were stuck; your shoulders were too wide to go through the birth canal. Your umbilical cord was wrapped around your neck, and you were not breathing. Exhausted and in great pain, I began to recite Philippians 4: 13- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. This verse became a great source of strength and comfort for me throughout the remainder of your delivery.
When it became apparent that I was not going to be able to deliver you on my own, the doctor made the decision to break your collar bone so that he could force you out (the doctor would later tell us that his decision was due to a condition called shoulder dystocia). As soon as you were free, a team of medical personnel began administering oxygen to your tiny body. We listened for what seemed to be an eternity for some sign of life. Your face was dark purple from lack of oxygen and you were extremely weak. We prayed and begged God to be with you. After a few minutes, the good Lord answered our prayers and we began to hear you cry. It was and will always be the most joyful noise that I have ever heard. As we celebrated your arrival, you kept your precious hands clasped in prayer.

Sweet Mary Reese, you are such a precious gift from God and we cherish you each and every day. You dad and I consider it a tremendous blessing and honor to be your parents. You are smart, funny, and caring. You talk constantly, give lots and lots of kisses and hugs, and can recall even the smallest of detail. You have at least a dozen nicknames and an unforgettable sense of humor and wit. You take great pleasure in being a “big girl” and are quick to remind us of this every time we refer to you as our “baby”. You mean the world to us and we are so proud that you are our big (little) girl.
3 weeks old

3 months old

Your first snow; 3 months old, Charlottesville, Virginia

The weekend of your baptism; 6 months old; Veritas Vineyards, Charlottesville, Virginia

Your first trip to the beach; 9 months old, Fernandina Beach, Florida

Our first Christmas after moving back to Georgia; 1 year old

1 and a half years old; Fernandina Beach, Florida

Tea Party on the porch; 2 years old with Sweet Sadie

Snow in Georgia; 2 and a half years old

March 2010; The day we found out about baby brother!
![27February_010[1] 27February_010[1]](http://www.cgharv.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/27February_0101-195x300.jpg)
July2010; Welcoming baby Hutson home

Almost three years old…

Happy third birthday sweet MR!