Part One of MR’s Big birthday week

MR had quite the birthday week.

We sang Happy Birthday no less than a dozen times.

Blew out candles at every meal …


bday frenchtoast


pbj candles

cupcake candles


snack candles


hotdog candles oreo candle

and celebrated the fact that God has allowed us to spend three wonderful years with such a sweet, precious little girl! As soon as we get the “ok” from the neighborhood association, we’re going to surprise her with her birthday gift…


mr swingset 2

We’re pretty sure this little guy will enjoy the gift too! Its hard to believe Baby Hutson is almost 3 months old. At his last weigh in (a week ago) he was 14 and a half pounds!

huttie party sleep

Posted in mary reese, memories | 1 Comment

Happy third birthday, sweet Mary Reese

Sweet Mary Reese,

Three years ago today, we welcomed you into our lives. Labor was not an easy task. You were 10 days overdue and in no hurry to make your presence known.  Early on the morning of September 26, your daddy and I walked into a small hospital in Charlottesville, Virginia so that our doctor could begin inducing labor. Throughout the day, labor seemed to progress in a steady manner. When we were at 10 cm, the doctor came in and gave the thumbs up. Things were going so smoothly that I did something I swore I would never do. I allowed your grandmother and aunt, who both had C-sections, to stay in the room to witness your birth.

 For the next several hours, I pushed; and pushed; and pushed. Your daddy counted, JuJu Bea stood by my bedside offering assistance, and your Gran C prayed. It became apparent that things weren’t going as planned when the room went from a few doctors and nurses to over a dozen. You were stuck; your shoulders were too wide to go through the birth canal. Your umbilical cord was wrapped around your neck, and you were not breathing. Exhausted and in great pain, I began to recite Philippians 4: 13- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. This verse became a great source of strength and comfort for me throughout the remainder of your delivery.

When it became apparent that I was not going to be able to deliver you on my own, the doctor made the decision to break your collar bone so that he could force you out (the doctor would later tell us that his decision was due to a condition called shoulder dystocia).  As soon as you were free, a team of medical personnel began administering oxygen to your tiny body. We listened for what seemed to be an eternity for some sign of life. Your face was dark purple from lack of oxygen and you were extremely weak. We prayed and begged God to be with you.  After a few minutes, the good Lord answered our prayers and we began to hear you cry.  It was and will always be the most joyful noise that I have ever heard.  As we celebrated your arrival, you kept your precious hands clasped in prayer. 


Sweet Mary Reese, you are such a precious gift from God and we cherish you each and every day. You dad and I consider it a tremendous blessing and honor to be your parents. You are smart, funny, and caring. You talk constantly, give lots and lots of kisses and hugs, and can recall even the smallest of detail. You have at least a dozen nicknames and an unforgettable sense of humor and wit. You take great pleasure in being a “big girl” and are quick to remind us of this every time we refer to you as our “baby”. You mean the world to us and we are so proud that you are our big (little) girl.

3 weeks old


3 months old

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Your first snow; 3 months old, Charlottesville, Virginia


The weekend of your baptism; 6 months old; Veritas Vineyards, Charlottesville, Virginia


Your first trip to the beach; 9 months old, Fernandina Beach, Florida


Our first Christmas after moving back to Georgia; 1 year old

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1 and a half years old; Fernandina Beach, Florida

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Tea Party on the porch; 2 years old with Sweet Sadie

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Snow in Georgia; 2 and a half years old

mr snow 4

March 2010; The day we found out about baby brother!


July2010; Welcoming baby Hutson home

mr hutson 2

Almost three years old…

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mr garden

Happy third birthday sweet MR!

mr bday huttie

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Posted in mary reese, memories, milestones | 3 Comments

Big Daddy’s Birthday Celebration

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Big Daddy’s birthday bash in Eulonia was a blast. We ate. And ate. And ate. And all came back weighing at least 5 pounds heavier. And when we weren’t eating, we were talking about what we were going to eat next. We filled our tummies with boiled peanuts, caramel cake, steak, and shrimp. Can you tell I’m the newest member of Weight Watchers? If porch time, fishing,  and boat riding counted as exercise, I’d be in great shape! A big thanks to Gran C for volunteering to keep Baby Hutson at night so G and I could get some uninterrupted sleep.

g and kids coast

mr hutson coast

mr hutson coast 3

This little man melts my heart! It’s hard to believe he will be 2 month old next week. He weighs over 13 pounds now and has recently started sleeping through the night!!!!

hutson coast 2

hutson coast

This little lady continues to make us laugh. She’s sweet and sassy and full of personality!

mr coast

And although she doesn’t share my love for food or afternoon naps, she is one heck of a fishing buddy.

mr big daddy fishing

She’s also a big fan of boat rides,

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mr boat

and watching her daddy do his best to relive the glory days. There was many a wipeout, but G, Uncle Brother, and B loved spending the afternoon weight boarding in the marsh.

g weight boarding


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And we’re off…

Another busy weekend. Another week without updating the blog. I’m going to do my best to get it together one of these days, but for now, I’ve traded in the Internet  for my sewing machine. If I would have known that having two kids in the house would have boosted my sales so much, I may have had # 2 a lot sooner!

We’ve got yet another exciting weekend ahead of us. This weekend will mark Hutson’s first trip to the Georgia coast. We will also be celebrating Big Daddy’s birthday. I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again…few things in life excite me more than a weekend at the coast, boiled peanuts, and Georgia football!

We celebrated Reynolds third birthday last weekend in Griffin.


To escape the hot afternoon sun, his mommy came up with the idea for a morning, pajama party. Breakfast goodies like doughnuts, biscuits, and bagels were served while the kids jumped in the jumpy castle.  

mr jumpy

Sweet Reynolds was a true sport about MR opening his gifts.

mr presents

We also got in a weekend visit from Gran C and Big Daddy, which allowed us a date night to celebrate or 6th wedding anniversary.

mr big daddy

On Sunday, the boys attended the Braves game and got to watch the Bravos make a huge comeback to win the game!

dad and g

This was the homerun that Diaz hit to tie the game.  Thanks to our DVR, I got to capture Big Daddy and G enjoying the moment…

g braves

g braves 2

Posted in Hutson, family, mary reese, memories, milestones, places | Leave a comment

Busy times

Monday marked MR’s first day of school. Not a single tear was shed as Gran C and I waived goodbye and headed to the liquor store. We were certainly a sight to be seen; arriving at the store before 10 am with a 6 week old baby. In our defense, we there not to drink our day away, but to score Julie a wine crate for her kitchen. After a few more errands, it was time to pick up sweet MR and head to Athens for an overnight stay. Our visit included lots of time with Gran C and Big Daddy and dinner with Uncle Brother and Cook.

The next few days are jam packed with activity; G returns late Friday night. On Saturday, we’re off to Griffin to celebrate a birthday; later that night, Gran C and Big Daddy return to watch the kids so G and I can go out and celebrate our 6th wedding anniversary. On Sunday, G and Big Daddy are going to Turner Field to cheer on the Braves. And on Sunday night, we’re planning to eat hamburgers and hotdogs with our supper club. Until then, I’m up to my knees withPetey Pie orders. Ive got two days to get 22 shirts done. Hoping and prayaing  that the Little Man will cooperate. He’s still eating A LOT; usually every 2-3 hours. And still loves to be held. And despite having very little time for myself , I still love every ounce of him!

I stayed up extra late on Saturday night to make a dress for MR’s first day of school. When she awoke the next morning, I asked her what she thought of it. She frowned and replied, “that’s not good mama. I wanted a dress with a banana”. 

mr first day school

mr first day school 2

mr huttie first day school

We’ve never had a baby in the family with this much hair, so it was hard for me to get on to G for styling Huston’s hair in a mohawk after a bath. The look didn’t last long; after a few pictures, I promptly brushed it down and returned it to the classic sweep over.

huttie mohawk

Posted in Hutson, Petey Pie's, mary reese, memories, milestones | 2 Comments

These days…

Getting a frameable picture of these two has proved almost impossible.

One talks constantly and makes silly faces as soon as the camera comes out,

monkey face

and the other is always looking for the next meal.

mr huttie outside 4

After 56 attempts to capture sibling bliss, I settled with this…

mr huttie outside

and was left with two crying babies; one with a sucker stuck in her hair and the other with a major diaper blowout.

These two monkeys certainly keep me busy these days…

mr huttie pjs

I’m learning to juggle two precious kids, Petey Pie’s, and housework. And while the bags under my eyes seem to get bigger by the day, I wouldn’t have it any other way. We may lack a good nights sleep, but we make up for it with laughter; lots and lots of laughter!

We’ve got another busy week ahead of us. G leaves on Sunday for a week long business trip to New York and MR starts her first day of school. She will be going three days a week and is growing more and more excited by the day. Big Daddy is bringing Gran C over on Sunday afternoon so she can help out with MR and the little man. After school on Monday, we’ll head to Athens for the night so that the kids can get in even more grandparent time. We’ll return home on Tuesday and start the countdown until Daddy’s arrival back home!

MR met all of her classmates at “Make a Friends Day” on Tuesday. She is one of two girls in her class and loves all of the extra attention.

mr playschool

Little man had his one month checkup on Tuesday. At 5 weeks, he weighs 10 pounds and 8 oz and is 21 inches long. He continues to be pretty laid back, sleeping most of the day and alert at night.

huttie 5 weeks

huttie swing

Posted in Hutson, mary reese, places | 1 Comment

Happiness is…

An early morning trip to the farmers market to pick out fresh, local produce…

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The kindness of friends and family who continue to bring meals to the house after Hutson’s arrival. This week Aunt Lynn and Joshua came over with clothes, diapers, and a roast with all the fixins’. We also got to enjoy a delicious homemade lasagna by our new friends and neighbors, John and Alyson.

MR ranks Aunt Lynn right up there with Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. Aunt Lynn never comes empty handed and always has special surprises for the kids.

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The love between a brother a sister…

brother sister

brother sister 2

Receiving surprise packages in the mail from Cook and Uncle Brother…

mr surprise

Celebrating Hutson’s first month of life by going to a Braves game with great friends…

family braves

g and huttie

Watching the littlest Braves fans enjoy the game …

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emery mr and b

Cheering on the Braves to another victory…

mr cheering

Eating breakfast with locals at a favorite hole in the wall…

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Spending the afternoon making banana bread with sweet Mary Reese.

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Good ole southern hospitality

G and I have been so blessed by the love and support that we have received from our family and friends since Hutson’s arrival. Last week, we got a chance to visit with three sets of friends. Elaina and Garrett have been friends since kindergarten. Her and her husband AJ recently moved to Atlanta from California. We have been trying to get together for the last several months and finally made it work last Wednesday night. Not only did Elaina and AJ truck it over to our house in the middle of rush hour traffic, but they also brought dinner and a fabulous key lime pie for dessert. We barely finished the leftovers when my dear friend Kristi and her family stopped by on Saturday with bruschetta, baked ziti, salad, and cannolis. The kids played wonderfully together, allowing the grownups to reminisce and enjoy a few cold ones. On Sunday, we welcomed another set of friends and yet another great meal. We met Kelly and Anthony through Garrett’s sister. They have two precious little girls, so it’s always fun to get together with them.

A week of no cook meals has spoiled me absolutely rotten, but today it was back to reality. My first outing with both kids was a trip to Publix to stock up on our weekly needs. For the first time in 9 months, I was able to resist the buy one get one free sale on doritos…times are a changin’.

Kristi and the little man


These two were inseparable during the Williamson’s visit.

mr emery_picnik

girls pool

The Esposito’s


It’s hard to believe that sweet Hutson is three weeks old today.

huston two weeks

huttie crib

His big sister cannot get enough of him.

mr huttie crib

mr huttie

Posted in Hutson, mary reese | 2 Comments