The Simple Life is Good

It really is. We are just an average, middle class family and for the most part, we are happy. Very happy. We live in a modest home, drive average cars, and try our best to cut corners. We haven’t always lived this way, but learning to do so has brought us a tremendous amount of satisfaction.

Last weekend was perfect example of the simple life…

While G cleaned bathrooms, I got a chance to make Sweet MR a new dress. A day earlier, I had scored a Vive La Fete blouse with a precious peter pan collar at our local Goodwill for $1.50.

An hour of my time and two clean bathrooms later, I was basking in the simple life as MR pranced around the house in her new outfit. The total cost for the blouse and dress– a whopping $5.50.

mr new dress4

mr new dress2

Later that afternoon, the simple life continued with a short drive to Cumming, Ga to visit family and celebrate a late Christmas. After visiting, we filled our plates with pot roast, mashed potatoes, mac-n-cheese, peas, rolls, and strawberry shortcake. Presents followed. And then, lots of lots of laughter.

lynn hannah car

g mr

On Sunday, we enjoyed another simple pleasure with the arrival of Gran C and Big Daddy. MR colored a Valentines day card, while I baked the last batch of homemade chocolate chip cookies. An after lunch visit from Julie, Bill, Nene, and Boss made the day even more special.

valentines card for gran c and big daddy

valentines card

three lil monkies

These simple blessings are what we live and pray for. After all, being a parent, having a healthy little girl, and getting to enjoy time spent with loved ones is far better than a big house, fancy cars, and all of the riches in the world.

Thank you God for showing us the joys of the simple life.

Posted in Sewing, family, mary reese, memories | 4 Comments

Truth be told

I’ve already gained 12 pounds and I’m only in my 14th week of pregnancy. I’m swearing off the scale instead of my sweet tooth.

Speaking of sweets, I eat a lot of cereal. Not as much as I use to, but still more than most. The majority of my diet consists of cereal and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

I hate to exercise. I would much rather burn calories by doing house or yard work. Or by laying on the couch watching the Housewives.

I get mean when I’m stressed or overwhelmed. G can vouch for this.

I have a horrible sense of direction. My GPS, Greta Garmin, is the only reason I leave my house.

I spend way too much time on facebook. And way too much time worrying.

I am married to my best friend. Seriously. Garrett is not only a great husband and daddy, but he is also a great friend. He is level-headed and does not anger easily. He also gives great advice.

I’m not a fan of judgemental moms. I could care less if your kid sleeps in the bed with you, drinks from a bottle past 12 months, sucks on a passy past 2, or is not potty trained by 3.

I’m also not a fan of pushy moms–the ones who always give unsolicited advice. The ones that tell you are doing something wrong. Or the ones that go on and on about the benefits of breast feeding or organic foods.

I’m horrible at returning calls. I don’t like talking on the phone and I have one-track mind. If I have a lot going on, I’m probably not going to take the time to pick up the phone. This angers a lot of people. And makes me feel horrible. I’m working on being a better phone friend, daughter, and sister.

I am always up for a trip to the beach, even if it requires me to get in a bathing suit while pregnant. Hint, hint, Garrett.

I love surprises–big or small. I wish I could keep a secret long enough to pull off a surprise for G and MR every now and then.

I still think of myself as young. I often wonder when I will feel like an adult.

I think this little girl hung the moon. I love her more than I ever thought possible. She makes me a better person and brings so much happiness to my life. She laughs a lot. And makes me laugh too!

mr cowboy boots

mr easter bunny laugh

mr crazy outfit

mr raincoat

Posted in mary reese, pregnancy | 2 Comments

The story of us, to Mary Reese

I dated your daddy two years before getting married. I knew right away that he was an incredible man. I had to beg him to take my phone number the night we met and nervously waited for four days before receiving a phone call from him. He was well worth the wait.

After about three months of dating, your daddy graduated from UGA and began a 2 year leadership program through his work. The position meant that he would move every six months, for a total of 4 rotations. Throughout the first half of our long distance relationship, he lived in Fort Wayne, Indiana and Weathersfield, Connecticut. While living in Connecticut, he proposed to me at a beautiful bed and breakfast in Mystic. I was ecstatic to say the least.

Soon after our engagement, he began his third rotation in Portland, Oregon. This was by far the hardest because of the three hour time difference and the cost of air travel from Atlanta to Portland. Thankfully, I had lots to do to keep me busy. For 6 months, your Gran C and I (and a wonderful wedding planner) planned the wedding of my dreams. The ceremony was held on August 28, 2004 at Athens First United Methodist Church.

wedding day 2

wedding day

After a honeymoon to St. Thomas, we packed up a big yellow moving truck (that broke down no less than 5 times throughout our journey) and headed to Lowell, Massachusetts. We lived there for 6 months, amongst cold weather loving yankees who couldn’t understand a word of what we were saying. Looking back, our time in Lowell was  magical. After nearly 2 years of long distance dating, we were finally together! We learned so much about each other and laid the foundation for a solid, loving relationship.


honeymoon 2

Lowell marked the end of your daddy’s leadership program and soon after, he accepted a long term position in Charlottesville, Virgina. We were thrilled to be moving back to south and loved the idea of  being able to hop in the car to visit loved ones back in Georgia–even through that short ride was still about 7 1/2 hours.

charlottesville 2008

During our four year stay in Virginia, we visited many vineyards, welcomed JuJu-Bea, Bill, and Nene as our neighbors, and delivered a healthy, beautiful baby girl. Long before we talked babies, we decided that if we ever had a girl, we would name her Mary Reese. Mary is your Gran C’s first name and Reese is Danny’s maiden name. We love that you are named after your grandmothers.

mr 2 weeks old

When you were 11 months old, we got some very exciting news! Your daddy was offered a position in the Atlanta office. The news meant that we would celebrate your fist birthday back home, have family and friends close by, and be able to cheer the dawgs during football season!!!

go dawgs

We’ve been back home a year and half now and have never looked back. Sweet Mary Reese, you continue to amaze us. We love your southern accent, your silliness, and your warm kisses and hugs. We also love that in 6 and a half more months, you will be a big sister. We are blessed beyond measure and are so thankful to be your parents.

2009 family pic

Posted in family, mary reese, memories | 3 Comments

Ten million strong and growing

While I was busy taking these,

13 weeks

13 weeks front

MR was busy helping herself to a free-flowing buffet of Flintstones vitamins.

mr vitamins

She kindly shared some with Sadie too. And then pitched a major fit when I interrupted the feeding frenzy. This little girl certainly gives me a run for my money these days. She talks non-stop. Speaks her mind. And constantly makes G and I laugh.

I simply cannot wait to see what lies ahead with the arrival of baby #2! As you can see by the first two pictures, I am growing more and more excited by the day.

Lunch time on the porch is always a special treat with sweet MR.

mr tea time

sweet MR

Posted in mary reese, pregnancy | 2 Comments

A much needed getaway to the deep south

We’re still trying to recover from 70 degree weather, blue skies, tractor rides, delicious southern cuisine, lots of laughter, and plenty of hugs. Our time in Waycross was simply delightful. Life is good, especially when grandparents are near!

pjm mrsadie

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pjm tractor

Our trip to Waycross also included a Happy Birthday dinner for Danny at Pond view.

pjm danny bday2

pjm danny bday

pjm danny bday 3

After our weekend in Waycross, we spent MLK day lounging around in dirty socks, eating candy necklaces, and enjoying being outdoors.

pjm mr

A potty-training surprise for MR from our landlord, MR. Ben. We’re slowly, but surely making strides towards being potty trained by the time Baby #2 makes his/her appearance.

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Posted in family, mary reese, memories, places | 1 Comment

Trying not to see 60

My friend Kelly is one of those women who makes pregnancy look easy. She is one of the few who actually had her baby on her due date. She looks fabulous throughout her pregnancy and is back in her old jeans shortly after giving birth.

Not me. By week 30, my nose is three times its original size, my stride is more like a waddle, and my bra cup looks more like an industrial sized mixing bowl. When my weight surpasses my husbands, I write off the added weight as a 20 pound baby. That way, I don’t feel as bad about carrying around the extra 60 pounds.

While most men wouldn’t dare say something about a woman’s increasing size, I found the one who would. He’s my new OBGYN and he certainly has an opinion about excess weight gain during pregnancy. As my weight begins to creep up and my next appointment draws near, I have decided to follow my friend Kelly’s suggestion and sign up for a prenatal exercise class.

The class started on Monday. Two days later, I can barley walk. Surrounded by waterbirth lovin mamas-to-be in their thirtieth week of pregnancy, I did my best to keep up. I survived a hour of cardio, strength training, and yoga and immediately came home to take advantage of MR’s bag of potty training M&M’s. The reward will certainly be my incentive for the next 7 weeks of class!

We’re off to Waycross this weekend to spend some time enjoying warmer weather, family, and good ole southern food. See you at the start of next week with new pictures from our adventures!

I took a total of 8 pics from my last pregnancy. I’m vowing to do better this time around.

pregnancy pic 12 wks

Thank God she still lets me dress her…

froggy t


because if she had her way, this is what she would wear.

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Baby, it’s cold outside

I told G that either one of two things had to happen if I was to survive the week long cold spell. Option one was a trip down south to the beach. Option two was to speed up the pregnancy process and put on an additional 10 pounds to keep me warm. By the looks of this picture, option two won…

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Yep, I’m 12 weeks along and as you can see, I’m already showing. I’m also learning that skinny belts under large boobs and a big belly does not make for a very flattering outfit. I’ll be filing that lesson away for future use.

For comparison sake, this is me pregnant with MR at almost 14 weeks (2 weeks later than the pics above). The Peter Pan flip haircut is also filed away in future “no-nos”

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According to the weatherman, we are two days away from sunshine and warmer temperatures. I’m counting down the days until sweet MR can trade in her winter coat and mittens for some spring-like attire. In the meantime, I’ll continue trading in that pretend trip to the beach for a bag of m&m’s.

I could hardly wait to get MR up from bed on Friday morning to show her the snow on the ground. When she awoke, I opened the blinds and told her to look outside.  She gasped in amazment and said, “Yook Mama, we’s at the beach!”.

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Hats and gloves have become the standard uniform around here.

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While eating my weight in Sun Chips and m&m’s, Ive also been working on a few new designs for Petey Pie’s.

tweey love bird 6

preppy plaid

heart 2

Posted in Petey Pie's, mary reese, memories | 4 Comments

Four times the Christmas cheer

 Four Christmas gatherings means four times the food, fun, toys, memories, and laughs. And of course, four times the pictures.

Christmas #1:We celebrated Christmas #1 in Blackshear, GA in early December. Mary Reese loved playing with her cousins and mama and daddy loved having the extra set of hands to entertain sweet MR.

cmas with dials

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Christmas #2:Our trip down south also included a visit to MR’s great grandparents. MR adores her Papa Huey and Meme Vonnie and as usual, they showered sweet MR with gifts and hugs.

Playing cards with Papa Huey

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MR received her first Cabbage Patch kid from Meme Vonnie and Papa Huey. Aunt Cathy, Uncle Jerry, Cousin Madison and Matthew gave MR a handmade scarf and precious pink tutu.

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MR and I received matching monogrammed aprons from Meme and Papa Joe. 

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MR loves to visit Papa Huey’s horses when we are in town.

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Christmas #3was spent with the my side of the family in Atlanta. This was the first year that Garrett and I have spent Christmas day in our house. Being able to celebrate with my sister and her family made the occasion that much more special. Gran C and Big Daddy and Uncle Brother and Aunt Cookie were kind enough to travel so that we could spend Christmas Eve and Christmas day together as a family. We were also blessed to spend this time with Danny (Garrett’s mom).

In true Harrell tradition, we spent Christmas eve feasting on shrimp, crab stew, and a variety of delicious desserts. After our meal, we exchanged birdie gifts (gifts purchased for $5 or less).

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MR helped me bake this years batch of holiday treats.

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This year the little one’s joined the Birdie fun.

cmas cousins

I made appliqued dishtowels as my birdie gift for the girls in the family.

cmas birdie towels

On Christmas morning, MR awoke to a tree filled with gifts and surprises. She also got in a little snuggle time with Danny on the couch. After we opened gifts, we headed to Julie’s for yet another round of Christmas cheer.

Homemade cookies for Mr. Claus

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A festive garland celebrates memories from Christmas past.

cmas garland

Christmas Eve PJ’s

Cmas pjs

2009 Christmas Card

cmas card

Christmas morning

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MR’s Christmas gifts

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Keeping warm with Danny.

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Christmas afternoon with Nene

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Christmas #4:Our final Christmas gathering took place the weekend after Christmas in Griffin, Georgia with Garrett’s dads side of the family. A good time is had by all when the Harvey’s get together. The boys and a few brave girls spent the day hunting quail while the rest of us prepared for the annual Harvey holiday feast.

cmas harveys

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Posted in family, mary reese, memories, places | 3 Comments