It really is. We are just an average, middle class family and for the most part, we are happy. Very happy. We live in a modest home, drive average cars, and try our best to cut corners. We haven’t always lived this way, but learning to do so has brought us a tremendous amount of satisfaction.
Last weekend was perfect example of the simple life…
While G cleaned bathrooms, I got a chance to make Sweet MR a new dress. A day earlier, I had scored a Vive La Fete blouse with a precious peter pan collar at our local Goodwill for $1.50.
An hour of my time and two clean bathrooms later, I was basking in the simple life as MR pranced around the house in her new outfit. The total cost for the blouse and dress– a whopping $5.50.
Later that afternoon, the simple life continued with a short drive to Cumming, Ga to visit family and celebrate a late Christmas. After visiting, we filled our plates with pot roast, mashed potatoes, mac-n-cheese, peas, rolls, and strawberry shortcake. Presents followed. And then, lots of lots of laughter.
On Sunday, we enjoyed another simple pleasure with the arrival of Gran C and Big Daddy. MR colored a Valentines day card, while I baked the last batch of homemade chocolate chip cookies. An after lunch visit from Julie, Bill, Nene, and Boss made the day even more special.
These simple blessings are what we live and pray for. After all, being a parent, having a healthy little girl, and getting to enjoy time spent with loved ones is far better than a big house, fancy cars, and all of the riches in the world.
Thank you God for showing us the joys of the simple life.