Christmas 2008

We’re back…four Christmases, five pounds heavier, six days later, and with enough toys to fill a small village. We visited with 49 family members, took 857 pictures, and had the time of our lives!

Christmas #1 was spent in Athens with Gran C, Big Daddy, Trent and Lauren on December 23. After a big steak dinner, we sat down to embark on a favorite holiday tradition—exchanging “birdie” gifts. Birdie gifts, rightfully named because they are “cheap, cheap”, are required to be $5 or less. These gifts are always the highlight of my Christmas!

I went for a handmade birdie theme this year. I made mom stationary, Lauren bedroom slippers, Trent a Georgia ornament, and baked dad two dozen of his favorite holiday cookies.

Lauren is sure to love these deluxe maxi-slippers in the cooler months to come…

After spending the night with my family in Athens, we stopped for a quick holiday meal at the Golden Dragon before heading to Waycross for Christmas #2, 3, and 4…

Christmas #2 was spent on Christmas Eve with the Garrett’s grandparents. We filled our bellies with BBQ, cake, and ambrosia, and watched the kids giggle with excitement as they opened their gifts.

Sweet Madison made a homemade Christmas cake for us all to enjoy!

Thank you to the Dubberly’s, Lucas’s and Lewis’s for all of our gifts and for making our Christmas in Waycross so special!!!

Christmas #3 began on Christmas day at G’s dad and step-mom’s house. MR could hardly wait to rip into her laugh and learn pony.

Later that morning, we joined Garrett’s mom and step-dad for Christmas lunch. I could barely button my pants after two helpings of turkey, dressing, gravy, and sweet potato souffle. Mary Reese and Jonathan Steven had a ball together.

MR has added opening and shutting doors to her list of hobbies. Thanks to the help of Joshua, Jonathan Steven, and Reynolds, she has also added walking!!! 

Christmas #4 was spent with the Harvey’s. Thanks to a pair of trusty Spanx, I was able to get back into my jeans and comfortably enjoy yet another full helping of turkey, macaroni and cheese, creamed corn, and squash casserole. After dinner, we exchanged gifts and laughed as Reynolds and Mary Reese stole the show.

MR and Reynolds got matching tricycles from Jimmy and Diane

This precious bookbag was a gift from Anne, Will, Kristen, and Skeeter

Thank you Marie and David for the pink poodle purse and Mary Jane rainboots!

As always, leaving day (Saturday) came too fast. After a quick ride on Papa’s Kubota, we made a pit stop by the hangar for lunch and goodbyes with Garrett’s mom and step-dad. With full bellies once more, we loaded up and headed to the coast to enjoy the last of the hot weather. I’ll post pictures from our adventures in Eulonia and St Simons later this week…

Sweet Jonathan Steven

Posted in family, mary reese, memories, milestones, places | 5 Comments

Happy Holidays from the Harvey’s!

We’re off to Athens and Waycross to celebrate the holidays with our family and friends. Because of our travels, Santa made an early trip to our house to drop off a chair for MR and a sewing and embroidery machine for me! He also left a note saying that he plans to bring G something after Christmas. I guess he’s learned that G is not an easy person to shop for…

Looking forward to sharing many Christmas stories to tell upon our return!

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No she di’int

Oh yes she did…MR snubbed Santa for the second time on Friday night. Out of 15 kids, she was the only one to cry.  Out of 15 moms, I was the only who got to join their precious child on Santa’s lap. And out of 15 dads, G was the only one willing to do the “the hallelujah jump and twirl” in an attempt to make their child smile. We were a sight to be seen.

This little monkey is finally starting to show signs of walking!!! Last night, she walked from her bedroom to the living room! G and I are so proud of her.

Do I really have to acknowledge that I doctored this photo? G says that I do. This is what we hope next years Santa picture will look like. Well, minus the big head part.

Posted in mary reese, memories, milestones | 7 Comments


That’s how Mary Reese says “hot”. Wednesday night, I screamed that word and many others when I accidentally touched a hot, right out the oven, cookie sheet. Deserting my pan of cookies, I ran outdoors and let out a series of bad words and moans. I’m sure my neighbors appreciated the dramatic display of emotions.

Like most women in my family, I pride myself on having a high tolerance for pain. I’m not one to complain or cry, but this time all of the “rules” were out the window. Sweet G, who I believe was watching GI Jane at the time, immediately came to my rescue. After calling his mom (a nurse) we decided that the best treatment was aloe and ibuprofen (for swelling). Several hours later, my hand was still throbbing. Thankfully, G was still by my side. We stayed up til past midnight, eating Little Debbie Christmas trees, talking about the good ole days, applying and reapplying loads upon loads of aloe, and praying that the good Lord would heal my hand.  

And that He did. I awoke the next morning to several “mean” blisters, but with very little pain. I marched back into the kitchen, past the cookie pan that made me say the bad words, and continued baking…three dozen pecan lace cookies, four dozen white chocolate Macadamia nut cookies, and six dozen chocolate chip Heath bar cookies. All for the neighborhood cookie swap. Yep, I’m an over achiever for sure. I’m out to win friends and the title as the neighborhood Betty Crocker…

The macadamia nut cookies were a huge hit with Sadie and MR.

Heading to the cookie swap.

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Little Miss Manners in the making

This little booger bear has had me in stitches all day! “Pweas” and “dank dew” have scored her two mini candy bars, a long ride on Ms Rosy, and a game of dress up. If she gets any cuter, she might be able to convince her daddy to buy her a “meow” for Christmas.

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Grandparents: Round two

One of the best things about being back in Georgia is that we are surrounded by our family. Last weekend, MR got to spend time with Gran C and Big Daddy in Athens. Four day later, she got more grandparent attention with the arrival of Danny and Papa. With free babysitters at the house, G and I were able to join Hannah and Brantley at a Toys for Tots fundraiser called Kegs for Kids in Buckhead. The event had us out until almost midnight and was a sweet reminder that parenthood is a lot easier than a night out at the bar.

During Danny and Papa’s visit, we also got in a few Christmas activities. On Friday night, we enjoyed sugar cookies and Christmas decorations at Aunt Hannah and Uncle B’s house and on Saturday, we bundled up to enjoy faux snow in Atlantic Station.

With two weeks until the next grandparent sighting, we’re sure to have our hands full trying to entertain sweet Mary Reese. We’re working on recovering from an ear infection and learning that drop-off at the church nursery is not a form of punishment.

Danny, MR and Papa


A Christmas visit to Aunt Hannah and Uncle B’s house

 Santa’s helpers

Atlantic Station

Happier times before an hour long crying session at the church nursery.

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Five days in one post

I’ve got some catchin’ up to do…five days in one post means that only the most dedicated readers (meaning those related to me or G) will read this in its entirety. Regardless, here goes…

Last Thursday I took MR to Athens to spend the weekend with Gran C and Big Daddy. At 14 months, this child already knows that she can pretty much get anything and everything she wants from her grandparents. With her signature head tilt and sweet smile, she pretty much has these two wrapped around her finger.

Friday, I headed back to Atlanta solo to get ready for Garrett’s work Christmas party. As a stay-at-home mom, I welcome any opportunity to get out of the house and enjoy free drinks and food. Fortunately for G and all of the other nice people attending the party, I ate more than I drank. After the party, G and I weren’t quite sure what to do with ourselves. We entertained the idea of going out on the town for a few drinks, but instead chose to walk around the mall hand in hand (insert a “you might be getting older if “ statement here).

On Saturday, Big Daddy and Gran C returned with a meowing MR. Her new trick might be the cutest yet. Every time she sees a cat or hears the word “cat”, she lets out a sweet and southern “meeyow”. Even I’m beginning to think that it would be a shame not to reward her efforts with a kitty cat for Christmas. Convincing her daddy is a whole ‘nother story.

On to Sunday…late Sunday night, I got a call from my sister saying that she was experiencing numbness and tingling on the ride side of her face and arm. She promised me that she would call the doctor if the sensation got worse. Early Monday morning, she did just that. 24 hours and two extensive CAT scans later, she was discharged and diagnosed with atypical migraines. While migraines are no walk in the park, we are relieved that her symptoms are not indicative of something more severe. And relieved that she got to spend the majority of her stay in the hallway of the ER under this beautiful Victorian print. I’m sure she was a sight to be seen.

MR and I spent the whole day in our pj’s waiting by the phone for updates. We also put a hurtin’ on a bag of animal crackers and watched way too many Dora episodes.

Posted in family, mary reese, memories | 6 Comments

I’m not worried, I’m just sayin’

MR is still not walking. At 28 pounds, I get my daily workout just carrying her. I’m quite certain that by the time she decides to walk, I will be able to compete in a women’s arm wrestling tournament.  Regardless, holding her these days seems to be the only way to keep her out of trouble. She empties cabinets, shakes her finger at me and says “no, no, no”, and throws her body on the floor when things don’t go her way.

Despite it all, she makes G and I laugh like no other. No day is complete with waiving to every passerby. Yesterday, she waved or said “bye” to at least 40 people in Target. I think she’s on to something– Target (like Walmart) should invest in an in-store greeter. If they do, I hope they will pay me a royalty fee, and give the job to sweet Mary Reese. Afterall, everyone loves a baby and a red vest would be mighty cute on MR.

You better watch out,

You better not cry,

You better not pout, I’m telling you why…

Cause Santa Claus is coming to town!

Only 21 more days til’ Christmas…

Santa and the reindeer will be here soon!

Time for more decorating! Yesterday, MR and I decorated the outside mantel,

added a little Christmas cheer to the porch,

and made snowflakes for the Christmas tree.

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