Getting a life

An annual trunk/consignment sale was the perfect excuse to get out of the house, buy MR some new clothes, and make a much needed “mama friend”. After an hour of shopping with a 24 pound baby in tow, the mission was accomplished. Hopefully, a playdate with our new friends Julie and Chloe will be in the making.

As if shopping weren’t enough fun, last night G offered to take care of MR so I could enjoy a girls night out with my friend Kate. Lots of laughter and several glasses of wine had us out til’ 11 pm!

Lucky for me, the excitement doesn’t stop there…later this afternoon, we’re heading to Columbia, South Carolina to cheer on the Dawgs with our good friends Jay and Alina. Jay and Alina have an 11 month old little girl who is absolutley precious. With a babysitter lined up and a playroom full of toys, the girls are sure to have lots of fun!

MR’s new fall/winter wardrobe. The competition for second hand smocked dresses is fierce in this town.

Posted in mary reese, memories | 1 Comment

Remembering 9/11

Seven years ago today our world was threatened as terrorists waged war on the United States. For me, the day began like any other. I sat down with a bowl of cereal before my 10 am class at the University of Georgia and picked up the phone to call my mom. It was my mom who broke the news to me. At the time, only one of the hijacked planes had flown into the World Trade Center. Several minutes later, I watched in horror as a second plane crashed, causing the Twin Towers to collapse.

Like many of you, I spent the day glued to the television in hopes of gaining a sense of understanding. As the morning progressed, news reports came in that a third hijacked plane had crashed into the Pentagon and a fourth plane, headed to Washington, had crashed into a rural field in Pennsylvania after the passengers attempted to regain control of the airliner. The senseless attacks took the lives of almost 3,000 innocent Americans.

The news was devastating. I was horrified. I had never felt so vulnerable. How could something like this happen? How could there be so much hatred for the United States? How on earth could we, as Americans, move forward? These uncertainties led me to a prayer service at a nearby church in Athens, Georgia. Sitting by myself, I never would have imagined that my future husband would be sitting a few pews ahead of me at the very same service. Or that our sense of freedom and safety could one day return…

Today marks a day of remembrance. Let us honor the thousands of innocent people who lost their lives during the ruthless attacks of 9/11. And let us celebrate those who continue to serve our nation on behalf of our freedom and liberty! God Bless and Protect America–today and every day.

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Simple, not designer, blessings

It’s the simple things in life that truly make us happy. Lately, I have become fixated on what I want…a new pair of jeans, a new purse, new sunglasses, a new LCD for our bedroom….the list goes on and on. I have spent much of the day pondering these “wants”. Why do I need an expensive pair of jeans to make me happy? Do I really need a $300 pair of designer sunglasses to feel worthy? As I asked myself these questions, I was struck by my surroundings. A sweet and healthy baby girl, a wonderful husband, a porch full of flowers, and a family that is loving and kind. These are the things that really matter in life. Thank you God for all of Your blessings and for showing me that the $14 pair of Mossimo sunglasses from Target are just as chic as the $300 pair from Chanel….

MR and I spent much of the day making a tutu for her upcoming “Bulldogs, BBQ, and Tutu’s” birthday party.

This Georgia Bulldog will wear a similar black tutu for the party.

I’m praying that these flowers will make it to MR’s first birthday…

and Sadie’s praying that I run out of black tulle so she doens’t have to wear a tutu to the party.

Posted in mary reese | 5 Comments

Another week, another fun, family-filled weekend

Bloggin’ is kinda like exercising….the more you get out of the groove, the harder it is to bounce back. I have sat down at my computer more than a dozen times this week, only to be interrupted by a sweet, but curious 11 month old who thinks that wipes belong in the refrigerator and shoes go in the trashcan. More than ever, MR’s personality is shining through. She is into everything!

MR is certainly keeping me busy these days. The idea of “free-babysitters” (aka family members) who love your child unconditionally has been yet another perk of living back home. On Friday, we headed to Athens to celebrate Big Daddy’s 59th birthday with Grac C, Trent, Lauren, and Hendley. Hamburgers, potato chips, pickles, an ice cream cake, a cousins bath, and lots of laughs topped off the occasion. MR and Hendley were hilarious. There’s no doubt that these two are a handful when they are together!

Saturday was all about yardwork, football, and complimentary child care services from Aunt B (Hannah). It didn’t take long for MR to convince Aunt B to take her on a little Miss Rosy ride, or to score three tickets to the Braves “Bark in the Park” game at Turner Field. Twice a year, more than 600 fans gather at the ballpark with their beloved canines to cheer on the Atlanta Braves. Thank you Aunt B for the free ballpark tickets and for spending your day off with sweet Mary Reese!

Little Miss Rosy kept the cousins busy for most of Friday afternoon.


Love Light, I see pretty smocked dresses, a sweet little brother, and a move back to the south in your future…

Bathtime at Big Daddy and Gran C’s.

Aunt B and MR

Thank you for the Bark in the Park Braves tickets, Aunt B!

Braves vs. the Washington Nationals

A quick diaper change in left-field.


One tired puppy…

and an exhausted little girl who refused to come out from under the table to take her afternoon nap.

Posted in family, mary reese, memories, places | 5 Comments

In the past 5 days, we have:

tackled the remaining 8 boxes…

visited with 19 family members…

traveled to Athens, Griffin, and Cuming, Georgia…

celebrated our 4th anniversary, the birth of Baby Trent, and Reynold’s first birthday

gone through 2 gallons of sweet tea…

gone on a dozen Lil’ Rosy rides thanks to Papa Joe…

taken 787 pictures….

and had lots of laughs! God is good and we are so happy to be home!

Cheering on the Dawgs with Aunt B

Adventures with Papa Joe and Lil’ Miss Rosy

Happy First Birthday, Reynolds!

 Will and Mary Reese

Papa Joe, Joshua, and Mary Reese

It’s hard to believe we will be celebrating MR’s first birthday in less than a month!

Posted in family, mary reese, memories, places | 5 Comments

Kickin off a new season with the “Bulldog Man”

We just happened to run into a local celebrity while doing a little window shopping in downtown Athens today. The “bulldog man”, Mike Woods, is an Athens legend and a welcomed sight at every UGA event. He bleeds red and black and has a soft spot in his heart for future bulldawgs. As you can see from the pictures, MR was just as excited to meet him as we were!

Posted in mary reese, memories | 4 Comments

These are a few of my favorite things….

The Georgia flag that hangs proudly on my front porch…

Sweet Mary Reese…

Silly cousins in the bath…

A gallon of sweet tea from Publix…

My sweet husband! Happy 4th Anniversary, G!

I saved the best for last…the newest addition to the family–Trent Goolsby Boucek born at 8:05 am on August 28, 2008. Weighing in at a whopping 9 pounds and 5 ounces and measuring 21″ long! We love you Baby T and can’t wait to meet you!!!

Posted in family, memories | 6 Comments

Livin’ large, one box at a time

Slowly but surely we’re starting to get settled. Pre MR, I would have been packed and unpacked in no time at all. Not this time. I’ve come to terms with the fact that there is absolutely nothing wrong with using a U-haul box as an end table. Or electrical ties as shower rings (thanks for the tip Papa Joe). Or even hairspray to ward off the relentless ants that have made a home in my kitchen due to Hurrican Fay.

This move has brought me to my knees more times than one. It has also proved to be an effective means of birth control for the next two or more years. With only 3 bedrooms, there is no room at the Harvey Inn for another little one. Alright, alright, I know. I’m probably going to eat these words. The reference alone guarantees that I will be the next sporting elastic waste jeans…

Yep, we’re down to the nitty gritty and still on speaking terms. At 11 months, MR is cruising around the house and pulling up on any and everything she can get her hands on. Her toy of choice has become the Comet can under the kitchen sink. Needless to say, G and I have lots of baby-proofing to do in the days to come. We also have lots to look forward to this week. On Thursday we’re headed to Athens to visit with Aunt Cookie (Lauren) and on Sunday we’re off to Griffin to celebrate Baby Reynold’s first birthday. In the meantime, it’s back to the boxes…

Posted in mary reese, memories, places | 7 Comments