Three times a charm

I’m sure the nice people at Kroger have a big wanted poster out for me right now…the picture shows a frazzled and disoriented mom, a screaming baby, and a deserted cart full of groceries.

Yep; our shopping experience was not so pleasant today. Chalk it up to teething, a developmental spurt, or just plain retaliation for dragging her to the store. Whatever the reason, MR pitched her biggest fit yet– right there in the middle of Kroger for everyone to see. I was horrified.

Serves me right. Before becoming a mom, I used to scowl at parents for having no control over their kids. Now, there I was standing in the dairy section with my own child kicking and screaming and there was nothing I could do to stop it. What a helpless feeling. I tried giving her my car keys, my cell phone, even her passy. With each attempt, MR cried louder and louder. Finally, I made the call…I had to abandon my cart of groceries.

Four hours, two stroller rides, and a pack of graham crackers later, MR and I made our second trip to the grocery store. This time, we headed to a different grocery store–just in case the folks at Kroger recognized us from our previous shopping trip. MR must like paying higher prices for groceries because she had a ball in Harris Teeter. She did perfect in the store and we were able to get all of groceries in record time.

All was well until we got home. After unpacking all of the groceries, I realized that MR’s pink poodle was nowhere to be found. I searched high and low for her blankie before coming to the realization that pink poodle was somewhere in the Harris Teeter shopping center. Needless to say, MR and I hoped back in the car and headed to the grocery store for the third time in five hours. We searched the store isle by isle; then spoke to the manager…still no pink poodle. Just as I was giving up, the manager came running up to me with pink poodle in hand. Apparently a clerk had found her in the parking lot.

Exhausted and ready to call it a day, MR, pink poodle, and I headed home. MR fell asleep on the way cluthcing pink poodle for dear life. G and Big Daddy are sure to have a fit when they find out that I let her snuggle with something that had been laying in a dirty parking lot. Regardless, MR is getting some much needed rest, pink poodle is safe, and I’m finally free to enjoy some quiet time on the porch…

Almost as crazy as the events of the day is that even after making three separate trips to the grocery store, I still managed to forget a few of the things on my list!

Update 8:10 p.m. Garrett and MR just returned from the peditrician and MR’s throat is sore and inflamed from Hand-Foot-and-Mouth (hence her fussiness). She told us to make a magic mouthwash to soothe her throat– a mixture of maalox and children’s benadryl. So, it looks like we’re headed back to the grocery store once again! 

Sidenote: MR weighed in at a whopping 21 pounds, one week before her 8 month birthday!!!

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3 Responses to Three times a charm

  1. Julie says:

    Hopefully that mouthwash will do the trick. Y’all owe us a nasty virus next. Sooooo sorry.

  2. Gran C says:

    So glad that Pink Poodle was reunited with MR. That first photo shows a very unhappy face. I am sure her little mouth was hurting her. I hope tomorrow will be the last of the mouth sores. Gran C

  3. Jennifer Watson says:

    Poor baby and poor mama. What a nutty day! Will I go back to the grocery store in search of a lost lovey for Ty one day? My gut reaction is “NO,” but I’m certain that experience has proven that everything you thought you’d do or not do as a parent is totally out the window when your card is dealt. At least the poodle was found…I’m not sure how well a replacement would have gone over with a sick little princess. Bless her heart. I hope she’s better ASAP!!

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