The start of something special

MR has just recently started playing with her little brother. Up until the last month or so, she could take him or leave him. But, things started to change when little brother learned to crawl. He quickly become her instant friend. For the last several nights, the two have played “ten armed octopus”; a hiding/chasing/tickling game invented by MR that has had the two laughing for hours on end.

A few mornings ago, on a stroll through the neighborhood, I witnessed a true act of love between MR and little brother. Morning walks are always a special time because Mary Reese gets to pick out a snack to take with her. Her snack of choice is almost always Lucky Charms cereal. Like most kids, she eats the marshmallows first, discarding the cereal pieces until she forced to eat them too. As we walked, MR carefully dug though her cereal bag to retrieve the marshmallows. But this time, I noticed that she was not saving them for herself, but rather reserving them for her little brother. When I asked her why she was giving her favorite part of the cereal away, she replied, “because I love Huttie Cat and I want him to have them”. Her response was a mothers dream…I pray that these two will continue to grow in their love and loyalty to one another. I pray that they will have years of laughter and joy together as sister and brother. And that if ever need be, MR will follow the guidelines of the quote below to protect the little man in her life…

Even the mildest, drowsiest sister has been known to turn tiger if her sibling is in trouble.  ~Clara Ortega

Note: Hutson is pulling up on just about any and everything he can get his hands on. He is consonantly on the move, causing ruckus along the way.

Mothers Day in the Square (more pictures to come)

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