Progress, a visit from Meme and Papa Joe, and a graduate

Remember the last post about my inability to complete my to do list? I’m proud to report that we’re finally making some progress around the Harvey household. Wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that we’ve been out of Lucky Charms for days?

After a few days of fun with Meme and Papa Joe, it was time to get serious. Thanks to them, I was rested and more importantly, well fed with Meme’s famous pork chops, fresh from the garden squash, zucchini, brown rice, biscuits, and peach cobbler. As soon as they left on Wednesday, I put on my big girl panties and got busy.

I did no less than a half a dozen loads of laundry; ironed enough baby clothing to come to the conclusion that I would be a millionaire, with my own personal in-house ironer, if I could invent a true wrinkle-free fabric; and washed so many dishes that I’ve almost decided to make paper plates and plastic cutlery part of our everyday china collection. When the kitchen was done, I moved to the living room and the playroom. And then to the upstairs. I dusted and vacuumed, all while listening to my “midlife crisis playlist” on the iPod (think Katy Perry, Black Eyed Peas, and Lady Gaga). Then I showered. Put on makeup. And did my hair….

By Friday, I was in good spirits. The house, for the most part, was clean, and homemade pancakes were prepared to celebrate MR’s last day of school in the two year old program at First United Methodist. Despite the fact that she woke up with a fever and a horrible cough, I sent my sweet girl to her last day of school and gathered with all of the other overly emotional moms and dads to watch the kids preform the songs and dances that they had learned throughout the year. When it was time to say goodbye, we made a beeline for our favorite Mexican restaurant, in hopes of drowning out the realization that our little girl was growing up way too fast.

Later that evening, G and I returned to our downstairs hallway project. If all goes well, we plan to trim and paint the hallway in the next few days. Last week, G treated himself to a fancy miter saw to complete the transformation. In turn, I treated myself to the benefits of an in-home 24 hour handyman. I suspect that the fancy saw will pay for itself when I tell G all of the plans I have for the house.

A few noteworthy mentions….we’ve started a sticker chart for MR as motivation for being kind, doing chores, and having good behavior. The chart has worked wonders. MR loves picking out her sticker each day and knows that she gets to pick a special treat out when she earns a weeks worth.  Last week, her treat of choice was a trip to the Waffle House. Her choice was her daddy’s dream.

Little Man went to see the eye doctor last week for his blocked tear duct. Since his eye is not getting better on its own, he has a minor, out patient surgery scheduled for June 21. Please pray that the surgery will correct his tear duct and that his mama will remain calm.

This entry was posted in Home improvement, Hutson, mary reese, memories, milestones. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Progress, a visit from Meme and Papa Joe, and a graduate

  1. Mia says:

    Tear duct surgery will go by very quickly. By the time you give goodbye hugs and kisses and work your way to the recovery room, they will be wheeling him in. Sending prayers for patience during those moments.

  2. Bethany says:

    So precious! I just love all of the pictures! I have a friend whose little boy also had to have surgery for a blocked tear duct. It was quick and he bounced right back! Prayers that Hutson does, too!

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